Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What is "Fashion Week?"

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Amazing Wax Figure of Sir Karl Lagerfeld!

Which one is Wax Karl?

File this one under: What took them so long? Karl Lagerfeld’s likeness has graced everything from Diet Coke cans to tiny fragrance sponges, so it’s about time someone made a life-sized version of him that serves absolutely no purpose except allowing fans to stand there and admire it. Now there’s a dedicated place where you can do this.

That place is the Panoptikum museum in Hamburg, Germany. According to a press release, it took sculptor Saskia Ruth almost a year to create the Kaiser in all his waxy glory; she was particularly focused on his typical facial expression, his clothes and his hairstyle. The museum, which is 130 years old, unveiled the wax statue last week, so he’s there now for your viewing pleasure. We can only hope that Ruth is working on a wax Choupette to accompany Karl.
Do you think this is a prototype for a secret Karl Klone army?